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Magento to Shopify Migration

Switch from Magento to Shopify for improved usability, reduced expenses, and boosted performance. We ensure your website operates without hassle during and after migration.

Start a smooth move with expert Magento to Shopify migration service

Our development team is here to seamlessly migrate your stores from Magento to Shopify, keeping your data safe and secure. We handle all the migration steps, from setting up your store on the new platform with your existing and new features, backing up your data, transferring it to the new platform, and providing post-migration services.

DigitalSuits developers have hands-on experience in migrating websites from any Magento version to Shopify and Shopify Plus. We know every possible issue that may arise during this process and how to handle it promptly and properly. Rely on our expertise and enjoy running your website on the Shopify platform.

Magento to Shopify migration service

Signs you’re limited by Magento and need to migrate to Shopify

  • Expenses on running and maintaining your website exceed your budget.
  • Your Magento store is too slow due to far-located hosting, uncashed data, and more.
  • The lack of Magento technical support has led to unresolved issues.

  • The store’s design and features are outdated and need renewal.
  • Persistent issues and bugs in Magento result in poor website performance.
  • You’re spending too much time on your store maintenance.
  • Security issues lead to data loss or website vulnerabilities.

They are already reaping benefits …

Multiple famous brands have chosen Shopify as their ecommerce platform, and they have chosen it for a reason. Shopify stands out among other platforms with its powerful scalability tools, simplicity of product management, fast page load speed, and lower cost of ownership.

Sephora – Streamlined product management for a vast cosmetics catalog

Heinz – Scalability to handle high traffic volumes during promotions

Gymshark – Fast and easy setup to keep pace with explosive growth

Kylie Cosmetics – Simplified high-order volume management and trendy product launches

Fitbit – Seamless integration with their fitness trackers for a cohesive brand experience

Tesla – A custom-tailored online experience for high-value car purchases

Lindt – Rapid setup to meet surging demand for online chocolate during the pandemic

Red Bull – Shopify's advanced marketing tools for higher international brand awareness

They are already reaping benefits

Start reaping them too

DigitalSuits has been providing Shopify migration services for years. We know exactly why our clients choose this platform to grow their businesses. Join the team of Shopify fans by migrating from Magento to Shopify and reaping all of its benefits for your projects.


Lower cost

Achieve desired outcome at the lowest cost. TCO for Shopify stores is 33% lower compared to other platforms, and its operational and maintenance costs are better by 19%.


Limitless customization

Extend your store’s functionality and tailor it to your needs. Shopify store includes over 8,500 apps for customizing your store and allows for limitless custom code-based solutions.



Perform well under expanded workload. Shopify’s cloud-based infrastructure is excellent for scaling fast-growing projects when their traffic and orders are rising.


Easy store management

Easily run and monitor the operations in your store. Shopify is designed for the simplest store management possible, so any user can handle it without hassle.


Suitable for any business

Enjoy solutions for every stage of your growth. Shopify provides tiers for businesses of any demand, from small startups to enterprise-level companies.


Built-in security

Get store and data protection out-of-the-box. Shopify is PCI-compliant, meaning it provides a standard level of security for stores on any tier for you and your customers.



Connect your store with any desired service. Shopify provides a wide range of APIs for integrating with third-party services like ERPs and CRMs.


Robust performance

Speed up your store and boost its performance. Shopify is famous for its optimized loading speed, aiming to enhance user experience in stores to the highest level possible.

Magento to Shopify migration services without data loss

We care not to lose any of your data items while migrating your store databases. Therefore, we have a clear checklist for transferring data.

Magento to Shopify migration services

  • Products: Name, description, image, SKU, price, URL, manufacturer, metadata, status, quantity, tags, attributes

  • Categories: name, metadata, URL, image

  • Orders: number, date, cost, billing and shipping addresses, items with attributes, order history

  • Customers: names, billing and shipping addresses, contact and credit card details, sign-up data, loyalty program information

  • Reviews and ratings: user name, product, rating, title, comment, date of creation

  • Discounts, gift cards and coupons: name, code, discount value

  • SEO settings: titles, meta descriptions, HTML markup

  • Static content: page content, URLs, metadata, design components

  • Shipping information: locations, methods, rates

Ensuring data security throughout Magento to Shopify migration

Our top priority is the security of your project. To migrate Magento to Shopify, we apply best practices and tools, ensuring you’re fully protected from data loss. After the migration, Shopify provides the means to secure your website and your customer data from cyberattacks and misuse.

Data transfer

We seamlessly migrate your data from one platform to another without storing any data on our side.

GDPR compliance

Shopify provides built-in tools to help you handle and protect your customers' personal data.

Server security

Shopify is a fully-hosted platform, and it hosts websites on reliable and protected servers worldwide.

Payment processing

Your payments are processed through authorized gateways, eliminating the risk of fraud.

Data protection

Your website data and transactions are protected with HTTPS secure protocol and SSL encryption.


Your data is guaranteed to be safe and not to be disclosed to any third party without your consent.

Find your perfect fit with a reliable Shopify partner

DigitalSuits’ Magento to Shopify migration workflow

Migration plan approval

First, we decide on the migration steps based on your project’s scope and complexity. Then, we approve the list of tasks to be completed and the deadlines we have to align with.

Data migration

Our specialists prepare your database for migration by mapping all the categories and items. Once this step is finished, we use the most reliable tools to migrate data safely.

Existing features migration

We transfer your current Magento features to Shopify and ensure the correct work of the store and coherence of all its parts.

Functionality & design customization

Next, we work on customizing your project to improve your store’s functionality and visual appeal.

QA & Testing

Our QA engineers focus on preventing any issues, including those affecting site speed and performance. They thoroughly inspect every element of your store to ensure it delivers the perfect user experience.

Release & post-migration support

Together with you, we decide on the release date and launch your store once approved. But that’s not the end – our commitment goes beyond the migration process to ensure your success.

Explore other Shopify services we provide

Frequently asked questions

Shopify is valued for its robust features, user-friendly interface, and enhanced scalability. Simplified store management, faster load times, and an extensive app ecosystem that empowers your online store are the most common reasons to opt for Shopify.

If done correctly, Magento to Shopify migration will not cause issues to your current Magento store. It will work smoothly before and after you transfer all your data and functionality to another platform.

Yes, when we transfer Magento to Shopify, we also move your customer data, including customer name, address, contact and card details, subscription status, reviews, order history, and all the information you can extract from your current dashboard.

When planning the budget for migrating Magento to Shopify, first, you need to calculate your future Shopify plan cost, which ranges from around $40 to $2,000 and more per month. Migration services are typically charged based on the scope of work to be done. On average, they cost around $60-80 per hour.

The migration duration is completely dependent on the store's design and data scope and can range from 60 to 400 hours and more. Contact us for a clearer project estimation and calculation of the final cost of migration.

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What happens next?

  1. Our sales manager will get in touch with you to discuss your business idea in details within 1 day
  2. We will analyse your requirements, prepare project estimation, approximate timeline and propose what we can offer to meet your needs
  3. Now, if you are ready to turn your idea into action, we will sign a contract that is complying with your local laws & see how your idea becomes a real product