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Replatforming to headless commerce

If you're looking for unmatched flexibility, a customized CMS, lightning-fast speeds, and the ability to handle complex tasks effortlessly, we can help you switch to headless e-commerce solutions using Shopify.

When we recommend replatforming to headless commerce

Replatforming to a headless architecture offers numerous benefits, such as website performance improvements and unmatched flexibility for real-time updates. At first glance, transitioning to a headless approach may seem obvious. However, headless migration may still need to be fully understood.

To help you begin, here are some common traits of an ecommerce company that are well-suited for headless:

  • Your business is content-focused and prioritizes mobile experiences
  • Creating immersive digital experiences is essential for your brand's success
  • An omnichannel approach is essential to achieving your objectives

With DigitalSuits replatforming services, migrating your ecommerce setup will never be challenging. As a result, it improves site speed, enhances digital experiences, and boosts ROI. Choose an ecommerce journey filled with dynamic and rewarding experiences through innovative tools, seamless transactions, and better security to ensure success and growth.

When we recommend replatforming to headless commerce

Why choose headless ecommerce development services for your business?

Scalable performance

Expanding businesses understand the challenges of optimizing store code, speed, and functionality for peak-season traffic or new product launches. Headless migration turns this challenge into an advantage, ensuring peak performance during high-traffic periods, and enables continuous expansion of store features and product offerings.

Enhanced security

Migration to headless CMS offers control over your website's security setup. The additional API abstraction layer between frontends and backend systems reduces cyberattack vulnerability. In case of a breach, only one layer is impacted, enabling background fixes without disrupting order processing. order processing for your customers.

Microservices architecture

A flexible API allows seamless connections between storefronts, UI components, and third-party systems. Easily integrate CMS, DXP, mobile apps, devices, or custom frontends, leveraging robust ecommerce platforms like Adobe Commerce, BigCommerce, Shopify Plus, or Salesforce to drive the commerce engine.

Unique customer interactions

Respond to evolving consumer preferences with personalized shopping journeys. Headless CMS migration empowers you to swiftly experiment with and seamlessly integrate cutting-edge technologies like cart and checkout enhancements, diverse shipping options, Progressive Web Apps (PWA), and more into your current commerce setup.

Our technical expertise in the best ecommerce headless platforms

BigCommerce headless

Craft exceptional and unmatched customer experiences using the most extensive array of BigCommerce headless integrations on the back-end commerce platform, ensuring you never need to re-platform again.card image


Leverage content as data that's scalable throughout your business with Sanity. io. It enables content delivery anywhere, and provides complete composability with a fully decoupled, real-time content backend, and customizable content workspaces.card image


Create superior content experiences quickly and without constraints with Storyblok. Simplify personalisation and boost performance with a CMS specifically designed to integrate seamlessly with your preferred tech stack.card image


Effectively manage your content from anywhere using the premier open-source Strapi headless CMS, which is entirely built on JavaScript and TypeScript. Enjoy complete customization options tailored to your needs.card image


With Contentstack, you can overcome traditional CMS issues while also get a comprehensive suite of features for an improved digital experience. Benefit from a built-in marketplace, full-stack automation, and integrated front-end hosting. card image


You can get a robust app network and framework for effortless platform expansion with Contentful. Connect your favorite tools and platforms effortlessly, streamline operations, and maximize digital content's potential.card image

Instant commerce

Sell more, grow faster, and compete by using democratized Instant headless commerce technology. The storefront builder for headless commerce enables brands to build and deliver best-in-class online shopping experiences in a fast and intuitive manner.card image


DatoCMS is the most complete and user-friendly headless CMS. It's perfect for handling complex use cases and easily expanding into new channels and markets. Don’t think of limitations; get a reliable solution that can grow with your business.card image

Custom headless CMS

A custom headless CMS is the best way to achieve flexibility, scalability, and smooth content delivery. With our solutions, you will get a centralized hub for easy content management and distribution, with support for personalization, localization, and third-party integrations.card image

Shopify headless

Turn any digital screen or device into a sales channel with the speed, power, and scalability of Shopify's headless approach. Leading brands worldwide choose Shopify Plus and leverage Shopify Hydrogen & Oxygen for innovative headless commerce solutions.card image

Selecting the best commerce platform during migration to headless

Evaluate flexibility

Consider the platform's ability to support a headless architecture and integrate seamlessly with your existing systems, technologies and scale with your business growth.

Customization options

Look for a platform offering robust customization capabilities to tailor the user experience and meet your business requirements.

Performance and speed

Check the platform's performance metrics, such as page load times and response rate, to ensure fast and efficient operations.

Security features

Prioritize platforms with robust security measures to protect sensitive customer data and ensure compliance with industry standards.


Choose a platform that provides comprehensive developer tools, documentation, and support to streamline development and integration processes.

Total cost of ownership

Consider the platform's pricing structure, including any additional fees for integrations, updates, and ongoing support, to determine the overall cost-effectiveness.

Why choose DigitalSuits for headless migration

Expert ecommerce developers

Our expertise lies in the ecommerce sector. Client-focused, creating strategic digital shopping solutions that deliver tangible business results, DigitalSuits’ dedicated ecommerce developers help brands create customer-centric, engaging experiences.

Headless gurus

Whether you need your project built, code review, or problems solved, our vetted headless experts can assist you. Migrate to headless commerce with an experienced team. Whatever your needs are, find the headless help you require quickly and efficiently.

Results-driven strategy

We highly regard your resources, including time and finances. Thus, we provide our clients with practical tech solutions that align with their business objectives and streamline the development process.

Certified experts

Our software development team consists of professional and certified software engineers. We consistently enhance our expertise and skills to effectively tackle any technological challenges that arise.

Headless migration process


In this initial phase, we'll thoroughly assess your current architecture, delve into your business objectives, and understand your migration goals in detail.

Strategic planning

With all the information gathered, we'll craft a comprehensive migration plan that outlines timelines, resource allocation, and the expected deliverables at each stage of the process.


Once the plan is in place, we'll proceed with the migration process, ensuring minimal disruption to your operations and a seamless transition to the new environment.

Ongoing optimization

After the migration, we'll continue to monitor and optimize your Headless setup, ensuring that it continues to meet your evolving needs and delivers maximum performance.

Choose a type of architecture for smooth replatforming to headless

API-driven e-commerce platform

An API-driven ecommerce platform provides flexible UI design and standard business logic, with pre-built ecommerce features to save backend development costs.

Key ecommerce features include:

  • Product catalog and online merchandising
  • Product pricing management
  • Product content management
  • Online payment and checkout functionality
  • Entry-level order management
  • Sales performance management

API-driven CMS

Craft a website with engaging content or seamlessly blend ecommerce into your CMS-driven site. This option is your go-to solution for both scenarios.

Key content management features include:

  • Configurable content templates
  • Digital asset management
  • Multi-channel content publishing
  • Built-in SEO tools

Built on microservices architecture

This option is ideal if you are designing multiple scenarios of user journeys and complex underlying business workflows for your ecommerce solution.

Key features of microservices include:

  • Built around specific business capabilities
  • Developed and deployed independently from each other
  • Rapid design, testing, and deployment
  • Interconnected through API calls
  • Managed by autonomous development teams

Transition to headless with our proficient tech stack









Shopify Hydrogen

Shopify Hydrogen






Shopify Oxygen



Node.js Serverless

Node.js Serverless























Shopify Plus

Shopify Plus




BigCommerce enterprise

Benefits of switching to headless CMS


Greater scalability

Having separate front and back ends enables greater scalability. In the event of a traffic surge on your online store, the backend can manage it independently, ensuring a smooth customer experience without impacting the frontend.


Enhanced flexibility

CMS migration to headless allows powerful flexibility in selecting the optimal technology for each aspect of your ecommerce platform. This flexibility lets you integrate different systems, facilitating customization to align with your specific requirements.


Unified channels

Migration to headless simplifies the creation of an omnichannel experience for your customers. Using the same backend for your online store, mobile app, and in-store experience, while tailoring the frontend for each channel, you can deliver a seamless experience to customers across all channels.


Conversion acceleration

When replatforming to headless commerce, enhancing your website's speed can significantly affect your financial results. Leveraging fast and lightweight technology for the frontend results in quicker page load times for users, potentially increasing conversion rates.

Migrate to headless with certified Shopify & Shopify Plus partners

Product success across borders

Developing a headless ecommerce website for an innovative men's skincare brand

Business need: Namza desired to enhance the online shopping experience, expand reach, and boost sales. They chose a headless commerce by leveraging Shopify and Instant Commerce features. Instant Commerce was utilized for the frontend, while Shopify managed back-end tasks such as orders, products, emails, and user data.

Result: We Introduced a headless solution that meets the client's needs effectively, marking a successful entry into the ecommerce domain. Our experts integrated a custom discount feature that enables the client to apply discount codes to orders and view the price adjustments clearly.


Headless BigCommerce solution for a textile company

Business need: OURA aimed to expand and enhance its market presence by pushing deeper into the USA, Canada, Europe, and Malaysia. Thus, they required individual stores for each market. Furthermore, OURA faced challenges in selling in multiple currencies due to limitations and constraints with their current platform.

Result: Our headless solution based on the BigCommerce API resulted in significant advantages for the company. Now Oura effortlessly manages multiple stores across different locations with tailored content.

Headless ecommerce platform development

We offer a variety of Shopify services tailored to your specific needs

Frequently asked questions

We gathered key characteristics to consider before choosing a headless approach:

  • Your business prioritizes content and is focused on mobile experiences.
  • You are focused on immersive digital experiences for your brand.
  • You have an omnichannel strategy at the core of your business objectives.

If your organization aligns with these traits and is currently operating on a traditional, monolithic ecommerce platform, you may encounter challenges in maintaining a modern, content-driven marketing strategy and customer experience.

Transferring customer data and purchase information to a new headless architecture is feasible but requires careful planning and execution. Usually, It involves migrating data from the existing system to the new architecture while also ensuring data integrity, security, and compliance with regulations such as GDPR or CCPA.

On average, the transition to a headless commerce architecture can take anywhere from 6 to 12 months. This timeline includes such stages as planning, development, testing, data migration, training, and deployment. However, the actual duration can vary based on the complexity of your current system, the level of customization required for the new architecture, the size of your development team, and other project-specific factors. To conduct a thorough assessment, contact our experienced professionals and we create a realistic timeline for your specific migration process.

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What happens next?

  1. Our sales manager will get in touch with you to discuss your business idea in details within 1 day
  2. We will analyse your requirements, prepare project estimation, approximate timeline and propose what we can offer to meet your needs
  3. Now, if you are ready to turn your idea into action, we will sign a contract that is complying with your local laws & see how your idea becomes a real product