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Shopify store development for animal food production brand

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MyBalto is a French-based company that specializes in animal food production. The company owners’ ideas and attitude towards what they do are inspiring. They’ve come up with more than 15 recipes of food for cats and dogs, they take care of homeless animals and support an eco-friendly approach — it's only a shortlist of their activities.

Business needs

Some time ago they decided to provide online users with the best experience among the market competition. They offered online consultation and personalization services. And that was what we actually were working on.

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The key feature of personalization was an online questionnaire with specific algorithms. It helped customers to make the right choice of food for their pets. The first idea of realization was using React application, but finally, our team decided to use vanilla JavaScript with Liquid. That decision saved time and project budget. The main aim of the online questionnaire for users to fill out was to get maximum pet information. Once it’s filled out, a script runs searching for suitable food. Thus, customers got personalized diet recommendations for pet and could buy a food packet.


Our team successfully delivered the project with continuously working online consultation. We reduced the time and budget for delivering the project, as we chose the appropriate technical solution. As a result, thousands of pet owners got animal diet consultations.

Other success stories

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What happens next?

  1. Our sales manager will get in touch with you to discuss your business idea in details within 1 day
  2. We will analyse your requirements, prepare project estimation, approximate timeline and propose what we can offer to meet your needs
  3. Now, if you are ready to turn your idea into action, we will sign a contract that is complying with your local laws & see how your idea becomes a real product